Project Description

Phase 1 was the treatment and removal of over a MILLION gallons of water that was contaminated with Tannins in order to start the job in areas where bark and sawdust had previously been stored.
Removal of 50,000 cubic yards of sawdust which was trucked to a recycling facility for community re-use. We imported an additional 50,000 cubic yards to fill the voids. Imported 94,000 cubic yards of preload material.
Prepared detention gallery subgrade in an area with an extremely high ground water table. Set up installation of dewatering and contaminated water treatment. Detention gallery required 60,000 square feet of subgrade correction, high tensile geofabric, leveling course, rat slab and then installed a 40 mil liner and 8000 liner feet of 54 inch detention pipe.
Overcoming challenges is what we do!