80 acre site that houses a 1.1 Million square foot warehouse building for a large retail company. Project consists of clearing, cut and fill grading, underground utilities, building pad grading, foundation and support footing excavation, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, and asphalt paving.
Project highlights: imported 200,000 + tons of fill to bring site up to grade. Graded over 315,000 square yards of sub grade for this massive building site. Five large ponds onsite to hold water before it was released to the infiltration galleries that had over 99,000 square yards of surface grading on them.
Installed four large underground infiltration galleries under building slab and 12 large storm water filter vaults using cranes, 13,000 LF of storm main pipe, 16,000 LF of water main pipe and 10,000 LF of sewer main pipe.